Saturday, June 13, 2009

an experience of lifetime

7:00 PM
Tilak Road

Today was the day which I anticipated that I would eventually through once I join an MBA. It was an experience which gave me an insight about what I would be doing once I come from the MBA school. I guess it gave me an idea as to what I would go through if I plan to take sales and marketing.
The class began with our esteemed faculty who gave us an understanding of certain basic fundas about business and were given specifications for the execrsie which we were supposed to finish. We were told that we needed to earn Rs 100-/- each. For this the class of 60 students was divided into pairs of 2 persons are were told to act as buddies and earn the amount. We were not suppose to reveal our identity that we belonged to SIMS and take no undue advantage of the college and not spend a single penny of our own. Basically we to survive on our skills and work through the situation. We were also given areas were we had to go and earn money with certain time guidelines. At 10 am we left as pairs of 2 and were out of the sims building. All pairs were running helter skeltor to manage to each the destinations. Me and my pair also thought it was time to pull up our sleeves and get going. To our luck, we managed to ask for lift to the main road to start our journey and the day ahead. We were dropped by this driver who was driving a car and he very humbly gave us the lift. From the main road we again started approaching people who could drop us at Tilak road as that was the area which was assigned to us. Again after stopping few cars and other vehicles we managed to get hold of this gentleman who was also going towards Tilak nagar and he agreed to drop us. It took us nearly 15 mins to reach the tilak road. We thanked the people who gave us lift and we landed right at the beginning of the road.
Well….looking around the market I saw normal average shops which sold books, to grocery to other things. We also spotted few mobile stores and few merchandise shops. I knew that I could convince a person to some extend and thus I thought of entering Idea shop. The lady at the shop broke our hearts as she declined any of the jobs. I tried telling her that I could file the pages for her what she was doing at that moment but she said there is a formal way of recruiting people and she could not help us. Hearing this we thought of moving to the next shop in line. The shop was a mobile store which had many tags hanging out on to the wall. I entered and asked the person who owned the shop for a job for few hours. He was quite an inquisitive guy and wanted to know why we wanted jobs. While I was explain him the motive of our assignment, there was this person who was listening to our conversation. And once we were told the shopkeeper could not help us he started looking towards us. I noticed that and I also saw he was dressed in a company shirt of the company Etisalat. On interaction we found that he was doing a filed survey for his product which is soon going to hit the market. I asked him if we could help him out with the research and in return he could pay us our money of the work which we would do for him. After listening to us and our explaining he agreed and explained us the work and gave us the company form and the brochure. I stared off with my buddy to check every shop and do the research for the other brands of telecom service providers. It took us quite a deal to walk in the scorching sun to approach each shopkeeper and take the data. We managed to do quite a few shops. And in the end we called the agent to submit the data we collected and was time to be paid. He gave us 400 Rs though we had negotiated for more provided we did surveyed more shops. And it was time to reach to the end destination. Once we reached there we found our faculty waiting for us to hear our experiences. We have to meet tomorrow morning to discuss the assignment and know the technicalities of this assignment.